Последние новости о события мира


- Greenhouse Gas Index Continues to Climb
- Molecular 'Culprit' in Rise of Planetary Oxygen
- Discovery of a 'Dark State' Could Mean a Brighter Future for Solar Energy
- Sperm Can Do 'Calculus' to Calculate Calcium Dynamics and React Accordingly
- Ancient Depiction of Childbirth Discovered at Etruscan Site in Tuscany
- Down to the Wire for Silicon: Researchers Create a Wire Four Atoms Wide, One Atom Tall
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Magnetic Moon: Magnetic Anomalies On Moon Are Result of Asteroid Collision
- Genetics of Endangered African Monkey Suggest Troubles from Warming Climate
- Discovery of Hair-Cell Roots Suggests the Brain Modulates Sound Sensitivity
- El Gordo: A 'Fat' Distant Galaxy Cluster
- Earth's Core Deprived of Oxygen
- World's Smallest Vertebrate: Tiny Frogs Discovered in New Guinea
- Global Sea Level Likely to Rise as Much as 70 Feet for Future Generations
- Glow and Be Eaten: Marine Bacteria Use Light to Lure Plankton and Fish
- World's Lightest Material Is a Metal 100 Times Lighter Than Styrofoam
- Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes
- Winged Dinosaur Archaeopteryx Dressed for Flight
- 'Fishy Lawnmowers' Help Save Pacific Corals
- Engineers Weld Nanowires With Light
- How the Fly Flies: Scientists Discover Gene Switch Responsible for Flight Muscle Formation
- U.S. Rivers and Streams Saturated With Carbon
- Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Converted Into Brain Support Cells
- Earth's Clouds Are Getting Lower, NASA Satellite Finds
- How Bacteria Build Homes Inside Healthy Cells
- Marine Mammals On the Menu in Many Parts of World
- Two New Species of Horned Dinosaur Named
- Crucial Advances in 'Brain Reading' Demonstrated
- Obstacles No Barrier to Higher Speeds for Worms
- Helix Nebula in New Colors
- Neanderthal Demise Due to Many Influences, Including Cultural Changes
- Scientists Wrest Partial Control of a Memory
- Neuron Memory Key to Taming Chronic Pain, New Research Suggests
- One of the World's Smallest Electronic Circuits Created
- NASA Telescopes Help Solve Ancient Supernova Mystery
- How the Alphabet of Data Processing Is Growing: Flying 'Qubits' Generated
- New Class of Antimalarial Compounds Discovered
- Australian Saltwater Crocodiles Are World’s Most Powerful Biters
- South Pole Telescope Homes in On Dark Energy, Neutrinos
- First Plants Caused Ice Ages, New Research Reveals
- Hazy Shades of Life On Early Earth
- 'Zombie' Worms Found in Mediterranean Fossil
- Testosterone Makes Us Less Cooperative and More Egocentric
- BP Oil Spill Hurt Marshes, but Recovery Possible, Experts Say
- Babies Understand Thought Process of Others at 10 Months Old, Research Suggests
- New 'Smart' Material Could Help Tap Medical Potential of Tissue-Penetrating Light
- Faraway Eris Is Pluto's Twin
- Following Genetic Footprints out of Africa: First Modern Humans Settled in Arabia
- Scientists Find Microbes in Lava Tube Living in Conditions Like Those On Mars
- Bees 'Self-Medicate' When Infected With Some Pathogens
- Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance
- Few Allergies in Unstressed Babies, Swedish Researchers Find
- Neanderthals and Their Contemporaries Engineered Stone Tools, Anthropologists Discover
- New Technique Puts Chemistry Breakthroughs On the Fast Track
- Castaway Lizards Provide Insight Into Elusive Evolutionary Process, Founder Effects
- Lull in Ship Noise After Sept. 11 Attacks Eased Stress On Right Whales
- Bacteria Communicate by Touch, New Research Suggests
- Hiding in Plain Sight, a New Frog Species With a 'Weird' Croak Is Identified in New York City
- Super-Sized Muscle Made Twin-Horned Dinosaur a Speedster
- First Computer Model of How Buds Grow Into Leaves
- Significant Ozone Hole Remains Over Antarctica
- Ancient DNA Holds Clues to Climate Change Adaptation
- Early Primate Had Transitional Lemur-Like Grooming Claw
- Deprived of Sex, Jilted Flies Drink More Alcohol
- Fruit Flies Use Alcohol as a Drug to Kill Parasites
- Neuroscientists Boost Memory in Mice Using Genetics and a New Memory-Enhancing Drug
- Is Fructose Being Blamed Unfairly for Obesity Epidemic?
- New Hybrid Technology Could Bring 'Quantum Information Systems'
- Toward Twister Forecasting: Scientists Make Progress in Assessing Tornado Seasons
- Ability to Love Takes Root in Earliest Infancy
- Oscillating Gel Acts Like Artificial Skin, Giving Robots Potential Ability to 'Feel'
- Ultra-Fast Outflows Help Monster Black Holes Shape Their Galaxies
- Gene Affecting the Ability to Sleep Discovered in Fruit Flies
- Effects of Environmental Toxicants Reach Down Through Generations
- Microbes May Be Engineered to Help Trap Excess Carbon Dioxide Underground
- Sunshade Geoengineering More Likely to Improve Global Food Security, Research Suggests
- Brown Liquor and Solar Cells to Provide Sustainable Electricity
- Astronomers Discover Rare Galaxy at Dawn of Time
- New Material to Remove Radioactive Gas from Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Building Blocks of Early Earth Survived Collision That Created Moon
- Humans Began Walking Upright to Carry Scarce Resources, Chimp Study Suggests
- Evidence Stacks Up That Monolith at Gardom's Edge Is Astronomically Aligned
- New, Higher Estimates of Endangered Humpback Whales in the North Pacific
- Clue as to Why Alcohol Is Addicting: Scientists Show That Drinking Releases Brain Endorphins
- Was the Little Ice Age Triggered by Massive Volcanic Eruptions?
- Worm Seeks Worm: Chemical Cues Drive Aggregation in Nematodes
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Land Animals, Ecosystems Walloped After Permian Dieoff
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- TapSense: Touchscreen Technology Distinguishes Taps by Parts of Finger
- Solar Storms Could Sandblast the Moon
- Dramatic Links Found Between Climate Change, Elk, Plants, and Birds
- Warming Antarctic Brings Changes to Penguin Breeding Cycles
- Materials for First Optical Fibers With High-Speed Electronic Function Are Developed
- DNA Sequencing Helps Identify Cancer Cells for Immune System Attack
- Madagascar Dinosaur Bone Is Most Massive Osteoderm Ever Found
- Cannabis Use Doubles Chances of Vehicle Crash, Review Finds
- New Particle at Large Hadron Collider Discovered by ATLAS Experiment
- Future Forests May Soak Up More Carbon Dioxide Than Previously Believed
- Crocodiles Trump T. Rex as Heavyweight Bite-Force Champions, New Study Shows
- Ancient Seagrass Holds Secrets of the Oldest Living Organism On Earth
- Memory Strengthened by Stimulating Key Site in Brain
- Picky Females Promote Diversity
- Natural Intestinal Flora Involved in the Emergence of Multiple Sclerosis, Study Finds
- Large Solar Flares Generate Geomagnetic Storm
- Solved: Mystery of the Nanoscale Crop Circles
- Culture in Humans and Apes Has the Same Evolutionary Roots, Researchers Show
- Planet Population Is Plentiful: Planets Around Stars Are the Rule Rather Than the Exception

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Мировые события

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0 46 2013-01-02 19:25:32  Николай
0 19 2013-01-02 19:25:05  Николай
0 15 2013-01-02 19:24:48  Николай
0 19 2013-01-02 19:24:34  Николай
0 15 2013-01-02 19:24:01  Николай
0 16 2013-01-02 19:23:44  Николай
0 12 2013-01-02 19:23:18  Николай
0 11 2013-01-02 19:22:46  Николай
0 40 2013-01-02 19:22:24  Николай
0 51 2013-01-02 19:22:08  Николай
0 18 2013-01-02 19:21:51  Николай
0 13 2013-01-02 19:21:33  Николай

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